Here is a quick round up of what has been happening with The Buddhist CEO in April.
As ever the book has been getting a lot of interest across the globe.

I was delighted to be invited onto the podcast of Blaine Bartlett, called The Soul of Business. Blaine is an inspirational leader who has featured on TEDx, Forbes Books, Bloomberg TV and World's Greatest Motivators to name but a few. He is an author himself and his latest book co-authored with David Meltzer is called Compassionate Capitalism. I highly recommend his book. Listen to our podcast together below, with an option to watch on YouTube as well.
Thanks to Bekah Jorgensson for including a write up of my book on her Book Nook feature on her blog Motherhood Moment

In April I also enjoyed being interviewed for a radio station in the USA called WCOMFM, check them out here . I was interviewed by an inspirational presenter called Tofu Dave, check him out here he was a really nice guy and I had a great 10 minute conversation with him on a slot he calls "literary quicky".
Frank Esposito senior reporter at Plastic News wrote a short review of my novel and I appreciated him recommending my novel as one of his leadership book recommendations for the month.
I continue to be surprised by just how wide the interest in my book has been. In April my book was picked up by InTouch Rugby and they asked to run a story for five weeks across their social media channels. Initially I didn't realise how big an organisation InTouch Rugby are but they have media channels all over the UK and the US with tens of thousands of followers. So I deeply appreciate their interest in The Buddhist CEO. Link below.
May looks like it will continue to be busy with interviews set up with LA Talk Radio, a feature article and podcast appearance in the LA based Eden Magazine, an article in Canada's leading news paper The Globe and Mail and I will also be speaking with a few other US based outlets about them doing a story on The Buddhist CEO. But more of that in May's update.
Regular readers of my blog will know that I finish these update posts with two of my favourite Zen poems and photos from April. If you didn't know I write a daily poem on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. My goal in doing this is simply to try and uplift people in a world that seems to have a lot of negativity just now. If you enjoy the poem check out the links to my social media and follow me so you can read my daily poem for yourself.

A quiet walk
Along the banks
Of a river
I stopped and watched it
Bubbling and gurgling
Towards the sea
I threw in a stick
Childlike excitement
As I watched it
Aimlessly float away
Perhaps it knows
More than me

I visited one of
My favourite haunts
Loch of Strathbeg
I sat watching
The mist roll
In from the sea
Creating a mysterious
Silent scene
Swallows darted
In and out of the gloom
A lone Crane
Graced me
With its presence