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The Buddhist CEO - February Update

Writer's picture: Thane LawrieThane Lawrie

My book and its first award

In this post I will give you a brief update on what has been happening with my novel The Buddhist CEO in February. In some ways it has been a quieter month for the novel compared to January and December. This was because in February I visited the monastery, see my last blog post for more information on my visit, for a week and I was also in London for a week to celebrate my 50th birthday. Despite this there has still been plenty happening to share with you. As usual I will share some of my Zen poems with you from February's offering.

My first podcast of the month was with Nicole Thurn, a journalist based in Austria. Nicole has her own website Newwork and I was delighted to be interviewed on her own podcast. I really enjoyed this interview and it was clear that Nicole had read my book and given a lot of thought to her questions. If you would like to listen to the podcast click the link below. The link takes you to an article written in German but you can click on the podcast links (in English) just below my photo. I hope my German speaking readers enjoy the article in German.

In February I was delighted to be on The CEO's Laundry podcast hosted by Kevin Fornier. Kevin and I have become good friends over Linked-In. He read my book and then reached out to me and it became immediately clear that we had a lot in common. We both have a similar outlook on life, we both meditate regularly and have a shared interest in leadership. Kevin asked me to be a guest on his podcast. Normally I say yes to these opportunities straight away but this podcast is different as it actually involves being coached by Kevin publicly!

Myself and Kevin Fornier

I listened to a few of the conversations between Kevin and some of his other guests and it became clear that Kevin is very skillful. I agreed to be his guest on the podcast and I really enjoyed our conversation. It is definitely unlike any other podcast I have ever participated in. Please listen to our conversation using the link below. I have to say I am very impressed with Kevin and had I still been working as a CEO I would very likely have started to work with Kevin as a CEO coach. If you are looking for a coach I would recommend Kevin highly and you can reach him here through his website

I was also very privileged to be on the Start Up Show with Monique Lore Stinson, a show that features on LA Talk Radio. It was great to speak to Monique in person as we have communicated quite a bit via email and we developed quite a strong connection through the book. Monique has helped me out in a number of ways and I think we will hopefully do more together in the future. Meeting people like Monique has been one of the unexpected joys of the book. It is likely that without her interest in reading my book that we would never have met, but I am sure glad that we did meet.

Monique is 2 x Emmy Award winning producer and is the owner of several businesses @thewinecaterers @siliconbeachcoffeeco @latchkeykidfilms and @capaquariusmedia For more information about Monique and all she does with LA Talk Radio click here

Please check these out to find out more about this great woman who has been so helpful to me. She is currently working on a documentary called "The Endemic Project" and you can watch the award winning trailer below.

Below is the link to my appearance on Monique's LA Talk Radio Show. I am the first guest on the show and my segment is the first 15 minutes of the show.

If you are not familiar with my blog updates on my book I also include two of my favorite Zen poems from the month. I write a daily zen poem on Twitter and share it to Instagram and Facebook as well. Each poem is accompanied by one of my own photos as well. Below are two of my favorites from February. If you enjoy the poems you can follow me on Twitter at @BuddhistCeo

Piccadilly Circus London

Morning Zazen

Today I leave London

Returning to my quiet home

I have felt welcomed

In this metropolis

I listen to the strange sounds

And Vibrations

In my last meditation here

I bow to you London

You have been kind to me

Photo of a painting of Mount Fuji at Buckingham Palace

For much of the night

I lay awake

When sleep came

I was troubled by

Strange dreams

I took my evening meal late

Perhaps that was it?

What a creature of routine

I’ve become

I sit Zazen

Letting these thoughts

Come and go

What is coming up in March? So far I have three podcast appearances booked in the diary to discuss the book. All of them are US based and one is with a Zen monk connected to the San Francisco Zen Center, which will be very interesting. I will share these with you and hopefully more book updates later in March.

Many thanks for reading and if you have enjoyed the blog please consider purchasing your own copy of The Buddhist CEO using the shop tab at the top of the screen. Speak soon friends.

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