I did wonder if interest in my novel The Buddhist CEO might slow down over Christmas but I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was ongoing interest. On December 28th I was delighted that the Authority Magazine published their interview with me. The interview was conducted by Kristin Marquet as part of her series called 5 things you need to be a successful author. To read click on the link below.
It was also a great honor to feature on the David Meltzer show on the 9th January. David is regarded as one of the leading business coaches and entrepreneurs in the world and invites many high profile leaders, authors and business people on his show. I was delighted that he took 15 minutes to speak to me about my book on his show. To listen to an edited five minute section of our discussion click the link below. The photo below is of me on his Instagram Live Show.

After I appeared on David's show I was delighted to receive an email from David's team telling me how much he enjoyed our conversation. So much so that I am invited back onto his show later in January.
The next show with David will be slightly longer and he is keen to dig a bit deeper into the story of my book and my own leadership journey. In all honesty I enjoyed the discussion with David and his co-host Brian Bogart and look forward to our next conversation.
Over the festive period it was important to not let the book dominate everything in my life. Despite being very excited about the books launch I recognise the need to put it down and focus on my family and Buddhist practice.
I did this by making sure I kept up my daily meditation practice every morning. I almost always meditate first thing in the morning. I just love the sense of peace and tranquility of that time of day. Meditating in the morning seems to just set me up for the day and gets me into a relaxed, positive and grateful mindset. I highly recommend starting the day that way.
Many of you will be aware that I write a Zen tweet every morning usually right after my meditation. Here are my two favorites over the festive period. if you enjoy the poems and would like to read them every day follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/BuddhistCeo the photos are also my own.

Morning meditation
A strong wind blows
I hear a skein of Geese
Flying unusually low
Over the house
Struggling against the wind
Do they complain?
They seem to continue on
Undisturbed by events
Zen masters of the sky
I bow

I look out the zendo window
The sky and the earth
From one another
The twinkling
Milky Way
With the frozen
Earthly crust below
Everything is one
I realize
I’m a grain of sand
On a thousand mile beach
I bow
Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed this blog please consider purchasing a copy of my novel The Buddhist CEO. I will be back soon with more of my thought and news.